Sadly Boo passed away with a quick cancer in October of 2020. Regrettably we didn’t have any semen saved back.




Boo is 80 pounds of muscle and brains. He loves to work! It doesn’t matter what the job, whether it is in the field retrieving ducks or geese, or hunting upland birds he loves to work. He can’t wait to train either. He has a habit of suprising people at hunt tests with his layed back attitude while in the holding blinds and on the line, but when released to work he really moves. When you get back to the truck or home for the night he will turn it off and be your buddy. The only time his tail isn't wagging is when he is on point or asleep. Boo is good on hips, normal on elbows, he is EIC clear and has a current eye certification. We have also ran his DNA and he is clear on CNM and PRA. To see his pedigree go to the hunting lab pedigree link and put farbers in the search box.                To view additional tests click on the following link for the PawPrint Genetics results.